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Kuba Skurzyński
Kuba Skurzyński
I'm here to make and play games, especially tabletop rpg's.
Beyond Corny Groń - Adventurer's Guide
system-neutral toolkit and sandbox generator for role-playing games
Nerd Sirens
Corny Groń
Mountain adventure for one player / Górska przygoda dla jednej graczki
Nerd Sirens
a system-agnostic TTRPG supplement about obtaining resources from defeated creatures
Kuba Skurzyński
Knights' Summit / Rycerzowy Wierch - CORNY GROŃ add-on
New paths to CORNY GROŃ / Nowe szlaki na CORNY GROŃ
Kuba Skurzyński
MÖRK BORG courtroom drama based on fiendish legend from Lublin, Poland
Kuba Skurzyński
The Black Volga - MÖRK BORG 3rd party vehicle DLC
MÖRK BORGified Polish urban legend about the fearsome vehicle as the ready-to-use urban encounter
Kuba Skurzyński
Coorac's Collection
Grobowiec krwi
Loch pełen ekstremalnych wyzwań do 5. edycji Dungeons & Dragons.
Thousand Year Old Vampire
PDF and HARDBACK available. A beautiful, sad, solo RPG about the crush of time and vampires.
Emeric's Pilgrimage
a Mörg Borg hexcrawl inspired by legends from the land of Świętokrzyskie
Nerd Sirens
The Ogre: A Cruel Monster for Mork Borg
A Folkloric Ogre to Hoard and Harm in a Hallowed World
Goatman's Goblet
The Occult Ossuary
A catacomb of calcified MÖRK BORG community content.
Sword-and-whiskers roleplaying
Losing Games
An indoor adventure for MÖRK BORG
Nerd Sirens
The Burning of Galgenbeck Cathedral
A sewer-crawl adventure taking place under a burning city.
Nerd Sirens
Boitatá - the malignant godsnake
The Boitatá from Brazilian folklore Mörkborgified!
Leo Andrade
The Black Volga - MÖRK BORG 3rd party vehicle DLC
MÖRK BORGified Polish urban legend about the fearsome vehicle as the ready-to-use urban encounter
Kuba Skurzyński
Corny Groń
Mountain adventure for one player / Górska przygoda dla jednej graczki
Nerd Sirens